Abduction Junction, the first of my Patreon-funded mini-supplements for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition roleplaying game system, is now available at DriveThruRPG! Here’s the pitch:
Watch the Skies!
The aliens have landed and humanity is in trouble! A quartet of extraterrestrial visitors have touched down on planet Earth and everyone in the town of Spring Water, New Mexico is in a tizzy! What do these strange creatures want? Are they here to hurt us? Hunt us? Capture us to work on some galactic chain gang? Help us unlock the secrets of the perfect ambrosia salad? Well, that’s up to you!
Abduction Junction is a setting and character combo kit designed for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition system of rules. In this mini-supplement, you will find a story setup complete with a variety of hooks to engage your players and move the plot along, some possible truths behind the story, a cast of characters, and some not-so-friendly NPCs. While not a complete adventure in itself, my hope is it sparks enough of your own imagination to turn into something wonderful!
You can get your copy here.
If you enjoy it, please let me know! And you can help me make these over at my Patreon. Not only do you save some cash, you get the PDF early too!