Professionally, I am a writer, a designer of both video games and tabletop games, and a creative leader. I crave new ideas, new stories. I like making stuff. I like diving deep into imagination, talking about the weird and the cool and the fun and the challenging. I want to make good stuff before I go. I hope I continue to get the opportunity to do that.
Personally, I just a guy doing his best. I am fortunate enough to be the father of two amazing kids, the future stepfather to another amazing kid, a future husband to an amazing woman, and a stumbling, fumbling follower of Christ.
I’ve had great successes in my life but also heartbreaking failures. I have tried to learned from each and every one.
Obsessive. Compulsive. Creative.
“Obsessive. Compulsive. Creative.” isn’t just a tagline nor is it an attempt to diminish mental illness. I live with OCD and Tourette’s so, trust, I know better than most the seriousness of it. “Channel Switcher” is the name I’ve given that impulse and, thus, given my website.
The drive to create stirs deep in my bones. I specialize in story development, screenwriting, game development, dialogue, and fiction. I am currently Creative Director at Bitwise Alchemy where I’m looking to make some games that I’m really proud of.
You can view a list of my published works here.